



  sequential 顺序的,连续的

  integrate 综合,使成整体

  access v. 访问

  retrieve v.找回,检索

  employ v.使用

  list structure n.链表结构

  invoice n. 发票

  pointer n.指针

  hierarchical structure 树结构

  subordinate adj. 从属的

  network structure 网状结构

  relational structure 关系结构

  physical structure 物理结构


  DBMS(Database Management System) 数据库管理信息系统

  DBMS is able to access and retrieve data from nonkey record fields. That is, the DBMS is able to structure and tie together the logically related data from several large files.


  Logical Structures. Identifying these logical relationships is a job of the data administrator. A data definition language is used for this purpose. The DBMS may then employ one of the following logical structuring techniques during storage access, and retrieval operations [1]:


  1. List structures. In this logical approach, records are linked together by the use of pointers. A pointer is a data item in one record that identifies the storage location of another logically related record. Records in a customer master file, for example, will contain the name and address of each customer, and each record in this file is identified by an account number. During an accounting period, a customer may buy a number of items on different days. Thus, the company may maintain an invoice file to reflect these transactions.

