



假定你是李华,你和同学根据英语课文改编一个短剧,写一封邮件给外教Miss Veans,请他指导你们。


1. 情节简介




1. 词数 100 左右;

2. 结束语已为你写好。

作文点评今年全国3卷的书面表达有所创新。三个要点依次是剧情介绍、指导内容和商定时间与地点。部分学生在第一个要点上有些卡壳,想不起有哪些课文可以改编成英语短剧,其次应该用多少字介绍剧情。其实外研社英语教材提供了非常多的素材,如必修5第三单元Adventure in Literature and the Cinema中关于哈克贝里芬历险记的The Steamboat; 选修6第二单元的Fantasy Literature中的The Cat That Vanished和The Lord of the Rings以及第四单元Music中关于Porgy and Bess的课文,选修7中关于《雾都孤儿》的节选Ask for More,如果学生对这些课文非常熟悉的话,用自己的语言把主旨大意稍加概况,剧情介绍就出来了。如果阅读面比较广的同学还可以介绍自己读过的文章,所以每个同学都是有话可说的,但比较具有挑战性的一点是如何言简意赅地描述剧情内容,这就要考查学生的语言功底了。


Dear Miss Evans,

I was wondering if you could help me revise a short play adapted from our English textbook.

The plot of the tragic story is about Lady Meng jiang and her husband, who lived more than 2000 years ago in ancient China.At their wedding,her husband was taken away forcefully to bulid the Great wall.Meng jiang went to look for her husband, only to learn of his death. Then she cried at the Great Wall,causing it to fall apart.

Could you kindly give me guidance on two aspects? First of all, could you check the language for us? Secondly, if you could please give us some direction on our acting and use of tone?

If possible, could I meet you in your office at 10 am?

We are looking forward to your reply.




Dear Miss Evans,

How is everything going? I am writing to ask for your assistance with our drama adapted from The Million Pound Bank Note.

The drama tells the story of a bet made by two old and wealthy brothers. One of them believed that a man could survive in London with a million pound bank note, while the other doubted it. They chose a penniless young man, gave him the money and waited to see what would happen.

I know before coming to China you were an instructor for a school drama club, so I wonder if you could instruct us to read the script clearly and gesture properly on the stage. Our first rehearsal will take place on 10th, July at 14:00 in Classroom 3A. Let me know if you could come.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Dear Miss Veans:

I am Li Hua, and I'm writing to ask if you could help me and my classmates in changing our text into a short play.

Our play will be based on the text "horse". The text tells a story of a king and an artist. In the story, the king asked the artist to draw him a beautiful horse, misunderstood the artist, and in the end forgived him because of his effort. Me and my classmates are struggling with the lines of the play, as we always stumble over pronounciations. We will have a rehearsal next Wednsday afternoon in the school hall, and I hope you can come and give us some advice.

Please consider our request. I look forward to your reply.


Li Hua



